Well, we finally read the whole script, in character, all the way through. What a bloody rush!
I tell you, after living with this script for the better part of a year, it was SO GROOVY to hear it read aloud. Jokes that stopped being funny to me months ago got laughs. Some so big we had trouble continuing (and this was from people who had read the script before, too). Remember people...I wrote this screenplay back in JANUARY. I've revised it 10,000 times. Everybody there made things come alive for me again, and I remembered the buzz I felt after I finished the first draft.
To my cast, thank you all SO much! You guys rock.
To my crew...few of you had anything to read, yet turned out in force. We need to be a team, and you guys showed mucho team spirit. You rock no less.
Now we begin the rehearsal process. I'm getting excited! Of course, now we get to beat this script into the bloody ground again, but no matter. My cast is gelling much faster than I expected (gellin like that famous explorer, what was his name?...oh, yes, Ponce DeLeon!), and we're already farther along that I thought we'd be at this stage.
Now I get to pick nits and piss people off. Weeee!!!
To all my fellow Mooners (a name dreamed up by our Beth, Kelly Rogers...which may sound odd, but it's WAY better than "Twi-hard"!), all I can say is thanks for everything, and full steam ahead!
Go Mooners!!!! Let's see some ass ;)