Here's the e-mail I'm sending to all who send in a head-shot and bio to audition for the film "Dark of Moon". I think you should find it entertaining...
Hi there! You're getting this e-mail because you (or someone using this e-mail account) sent in a headshot and bio for a new movie I'm casting called “Dark of Moon”. Since everyone needs the same information (and I don't want to type a long bloody e-mail every time someone responds to my ad), I've taken the liberty to write this information down ahead of time. The notification e-mail you get telling you about live auditions will also probably be pre-written. When I speak to you face-to-face, however, I promise to craft each sentence verbally just for you. No pre-recorded voices will be used.
It's the least I can do.
Oh, and I try to have a sense of humour all of the time. Saves on ulcer medication.
What we're doing here:
What I'm doing is collecting information on actors and then, when I have a definite casting date set, letting everyone know via e-mail. Maybe I'll use an e-mail subject that says something about South African Princes, just to make sure you see it. Then again, something tells me this might be a bad idea. Anyway, I'll also be doing blind casting (putting out notices and then seeing who shows up) if I need to, but if I have a good pool of people who have already contacted me, I may very well have a casting day just for them first, and then doing the blind call if I need to. So congratulations...sending in your info ahead of time means that you won't just be thrown in with a bunch of strangers come casting day. You'll instead be thrown in with a bunch of strangers who like to answer ads on Craig's List!
Wait...something about that doesn't look all that inviting.
I'll also be sending out audition sheets to people on the e-mail list, so you'll have at least a week to look them over BEFORE auditioning.
Be sure to read over the descriptions provided below...let me know which part you'd like me to send you the audition sheets for. If you'd like to leave it up to my “gut”(as substantial as it is), then don't mention a part...I'll pick one for you. Remember, as always, just because you read for one part doesn't mean that you won't get cast in another part...but I promise, NOBODY will be cast as an albino monk. Thus, no albino monks need apply.
So, if you could, if you haven't already, send me an official "head shot" (a picture of you from the shoulders up. Please, no dirty pictures. If I want those, I'll Bit Torrent them like any good computer geek), and a brief list of past accomplishments acting-wise. Even if they're only High School plays. I actually don't give a shit if someone has never acted in their life...if they can do the part, and do it well, then they're in. I just need something to put in the old file here. If I have nothing, I may make something up, which means that there will be a lot of people who played “Dead Corpse #5” in Buffy.
If you've already sent in a headshot and bio, please disregard that last paragraph. Really...forget all about it. It never existed. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Look into this pretty light on my flashy thing here while I put on my sunglasses, and...
This is, as we see so often around these parts, a low/no budget film. Unlike other upstarts, we're not making up for our lack of fundage by dumping buckets of blood on everything (as therapeutic as that is). No, we're making up for it by the quality of our performances, the near-genius level abilities of our editor, and the intense dedication shown by all areas of our cast and crew. Plus, a complete and utter lack of any albino monks makes this a fun yet dedicated bunch to work with. We aim to make something we can all be proud of, and that will shine like a beacon on our resumes.
Thanks for taking the initiative. You're just the kind of person we need more of in the world. Way more than albino monks. Send the stuff in, and I'll let you know when we have a casting date.
Non-Snarky Information:
The Movie:
Five friends...Beth & Sammi (the two women), and Zeke, Miller, and Drew (the guys)...have known each other since college. They have a small Wiccan circle that used to be bigger, but careers and college have whittled it down to the five, which has been quite stable for the past few years. That all changes when one of them, Zeke, leaves to join another group. His defection leads the other four to take a good look at their lives...their jobs, their love lives, etc...and to try and get their collective houses in order. The film focuses on Beth's search for true love, and she drags Sammi along for the ride. Zeke's struggle is also a key part of the film. It features fast-paced dialogue, plenty of commentary on pop culture, and some tender moments as well.
Character Descriptions:
Beth – Female. Beth is quiet, contemplative, yet a decisive and capable leader. She will do what's needed, all while asking the others about their needs. She's not one to speak out in group, but simply listens and does what she can do at her best. The rest is left to Zeke. Beth likes working with Zeke, and they have bonded over their own dating disasters. While she wouldn't mind getting to know Zeke even better, things are just so free and easy that she's not driven to rock the boat. She views Sammi as her other half, who she chastens for her language all the while being inwardly glad that SOMEONE said what needed to be said (even if they were a bit more blunt than she would have liked). Miller is very much a brother figure, while Drew is almost like “one of the girls”...that's why Beth shares a house with both Sammi and Drew.
Zeke – Male. Zeke is the most successful, career-wise, than any of them. He works in a company that develops new forms of computer security, and is good at his job (graphical designer). He's not showy, but he does speak up more than Beth does in the group. He doesn't seek the spotlight, but will step in if needed. He winds up doing the things in the coven that Beth can't cover, and has grown quite close to Beth during this time. He has real respect for Beth...the others he loves, but sees as lovable screw-ups, always needing bailed out and catered to. Though successful at his job, he's felt that his life has hit a lull, and he doesn't want it to turn into a rut. He focuses on his spiritual practice, and decides to shake things up to re-invigorate his life. He meets and gets to know a coven from an older style of Wicca, Gardnerian, one that has experienced people who can teach him instead of learning from books. He decides to leave his old coven, and join this group.
Sammi – Female. Sammi is blonde (preferably), thin (likewise), and has a unique shield to protect herself from life...she curses like a longshoreman. Her language is, as Beth likes to say, “Robust”, and thinks nothing of hurling obscenities to express herself. She uses the language to shield herself from “overly sensitive” types...she figures that if anyone is going to be put off by some meaningless cultural faux-pas, then she shouldn't waste her time on them. Those who look past the gruff (in demeanour) exterior, and get to know the person inside, only THEY are worthy of calling “friends”. She just might have a point here.
Miller – Male. He's the jester of the group. He's a wise-cracking type, who feigns immaturity yet has his shit amazingly together. He likes Wicca because of the fun aspect...they have fun when they circle together, and this has won his heart away from mainstream faiths, which he calls “depressive”. He likes to smoke pot, and is usually there to suggest this to his friends. None of them are drinkers, but they will (occasionally) indulge in some smoke. He views Sammi as a bratty younger sister, and his taunts are that of a sibling taunting another, not in a mean way. He thinks Zeke is too serious, and would like Beth to loosen up as well. Drew he just views as one of the girls, and feels a little protective of him.
Anyone who would like to read for a minor character (who are in scenes ranging from 1 to 8 scenes apiece) can request a supporting character audition sheet in addition to one of the leads. This means you read at least twice. ALL ACTORS MUST READ FOR ONE OF THE FIVE MAIN CHARACTERS. If you don't specify a major character, I'll look at your head shot and send one that I think might fit you. Not to be mean, but even if you don't think you're right for one of the five main parts, I might think you are. I want the best people for the roles, period. So be bold!... go for a starring role. You might just get it. If you're going for a starring role and would like to read for a minor character in order to cover your bases, that's shiny...just specify one of the ones below.
The available minor character parts are:
Oak in 8 scenes
Male. Oak is an ADF Druid, a Celtic re-constructionist group that's spread across the US, England, and Australia. While young himself, he has a natural maturity about him that will serve as a powerfully attractive force for Sammi. He comes in during scene 21 (out of 32), but plays a decent role in the last 1/3 of the film.
Angela in 7 scenes
Female. Miller's new girlfriend. While she's mentioned early on, she doesn't make an appearance until scene 19. She finds Miller endearing, and falls for him in spite of his outward facade of immaturity. She doesn't get rattled by the explicit remarks made by Sammi and Miller at times.
Dylan in 5 scenes
Male. The lead facilitator of the “Pagan Activist Coalition of Ohio” or P.A.C.O. He's able to corral an unruly bunch of ragtag Wiccans and Pagans into a group that actually gets something done. When he's not in “leader mode”, he's quiet and unassuming.
Sammi's Date in 1 scene
Male. A sci-fi geek who gets girls and dating horribly wrong. He makes one brief appearance, but it's a good one.
Hyacinth in 1 scene
Female. In charge of arranging musical entertainment for P.A.C.O.'s Beltane festival. Organized, enthusiastic.
Freya in 1 scene
Female. Young, fiery member of P.A.C.O. Likes to get her way. Idealistic. In a perfect world, will be played by a red-head. One scene, but VERY memorable!
Mordwyn in 1 scene
Female. Younger (age 26) member of Zeke's new coven. Beautiful, flirtatious. Has broken more than a few hearts. Mentioned often, but only seen once.
Steph in 1 scene
Female. Works on getting permits for P.A.C.O.'s Beltane festival. Organized and studious.
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