Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Script Excerpt!

OK folks....,here's a little preview of a scene to whet the old appetite a bit.

This scene takes place in an occult store.  Our female leads, Sammi and Beth, are going there to try and meet new people.  Sammi isn't so sure about the whole thing, but Beth is enthusiastic.

And away we go....

                                                                                       15. INT: MAGICK SHOPPE: EVENING

A group of people are milling about...some sitting, others standing in groups, chatting. BETH and SAMMI walk in the front door, only to have SAMMI try to back back out. BETH stops her and pulls her back in.

They make their way to the back of the store and look for a place to sit down. Just then, they are approached by an EAGER YOUNG LADY.


Hi there! Thanks for coming to the Pagan Action Coalition of Ohio, or P.A.C.O. My name is Yemayja, and I'm outreach director. Here's a copy of our agenda today (hands over two sheets of paper), and if you want to have a seat, we'll be getting going in a sec. Have an ENLIGHTENED day!

She bounces away. BETH and SAMMI stare at each other, at which point SAMMI tries to turn around and leave, only to be stopped by BETH and directed to a seat. They sit. A dark-haired young man speaks up.


OK everyone, let's get started. (waits a few beats for the chatter to subside.) OK, my name is Dylan..for those new people here...

He glances towards BETH and SAMMI. BETH smiles and waves. SAMMI rolls her eyes.


And this is the Pagan Action Coalition of Ohio, also known as P.A.C.O...

A fiery young redhead breaks in


Wait a second, we never voted on that name change!


Now Freya, we talked about this before...the old name had an unfortunate acronym...


(partly whining) But calling ourselves the Coalition for Unity in New Times had such a futuristic vibe to it...


Freya, we took the vote at the last meeting, the one you were LATE to? And...


(cutting her off) Besides, every Pagan group put the word “Pagan” in their name...the old name didn't have that.


(speaking over her) I am NOT GOING TO BE PART OF A GROUP CALLED “CUNT!”


Now guys, GUYS! Let's calm down now, OK guys? Freya, YOU were the only person who liked the old name. After spending three months worth of meetings debating it, we all decided to move on. Now to (Freya starts to protest) MOVE ON...(she shuts up)...we have to start real planning for Beltane. I know it's six months or better away, but things have a way of sneaking up on us, and the more we can get done NOW, the less we'll be scrambling at the last minute. Now Yemmie has an update on outreach...


(stands up in an EXTREMELY bouncy manner) Hi guys! OK, now I have been working on getting other groups to send people and speakers to the Beltane fest, and this year we already have a firm yes from the Druid grove!

She claps...a few other offer weak claps in return.


I KNOW, isn't it great?!? So anyway, I'm still trying to nail down someone to speak from a more Wiccan perspective, and maybe a Norse/Heathen path as well? So, if anyone knows anyone who can help, just shoot them my e-mail (to Beth and Sammi) I'll make sure you guys get it (to group) and, if we all work together, we can make this the most MAGICKAL Beltane fest ever!


(shaking his head and smiling) OK, great Yemmie, for that, uh ENTHUSIASTIC report. Now, we have Freya and Steph working on permits...


Which is, like, going right on schedule. We've, like, made the initial request and Mr. Webb down at city permits says he'll rush it through.


Yeah guys, here's where having those cleanup crews last time has paid off in spades. I mean, when most groups hold events on the park square, the city has a LOT of cleanup to do afterwards. We left that place cleaner than when we found it (to general applause)...that's right, we rule!...and now, they're going to expedite our permit. And of course, the faster we get it, the less chance some fundie hate group has time to oppose it before it's issued. So, let's DEFINATELY do that again!


Well, let me say that I am in COMPLETE agreement there! Now, Hyacinth, guys want to organize cleanup again this year? (Talon and Hyacinth nod in agreement). OK, next up, uh...(checks list in hand) Hyacinth has an update on the music committee:


Thanks Dyl...well, I just spoke with Trey from Wicker Man, and they'll be able to not only play, but provide a sound system...(applause) thank you, thank, I think we should consider giving them the headlining spot...(general nods of agreement)...I mean, they went over great this year, and I think putting them up front on the flier will actually draw people.


Now hold up a minute...I really think we should consider booking Inkubus Sukkubus. I mean, that kind of a major act would draw from all over the state, and really make this an EVENT...


Now Freya, girl, we talked about that...I mean, not only would they cost more than we could EVER afford, but we'd also have to fly them over from England...


Well, I think that if we went ahead and booked them, we'd qualify for some grants (ruffles papers) I've been doing some research, and...


We. Are. Not. Booking. A. Band. From. ENGLAND!!!!!


Hey, you know, I'm not getting very much energy from your heart-chakra here, and that is NOT A WAY TO APPROACH THINGS!!!


(over Freya's shouts) There is no way we can do it you WHORE!

Just then, a big bearded guy standing behind DYLAN silences the argument.


(thunderously) HEY!


(when things settle down) OK, now...without getting personal, I think we can all agree that, with heart-chakras wide open...that for this year, going local is more practical for our finances. (speaking up to stop Freya from interjecting) Now IF our sales table and raffle do...unnaturally well...we can look into other possibilities next year, OK? (waits for assent) Great! Now, for an update on the sale table and raffle, we turn to Yemmie...


I thought we were going to talk about only having Vegan food at the vending stand this year...


No, no...that's next sweetie...

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